So we needed some fresh air and nature time. Got our favorite lattes and kanelbulle (cinnamon rolls) from NonSolo and got to see our dearest (Caro)Linkan and walk at Hagaparken , on the frozen Brunnsviken Lake. It is solid! So different from the summer where there would be naked sunbathers. It was such a sight: Swedes of all ages and sizes with their hunds (dogs), skates, carriages, sleds, hot dog stands, all enjoying a perfect sunny weekend afternoon. The air was fresh and spirits were high. Being so North, the sun feels at a very different spot in the sky, and we were blown away by such a breath-taking, outdoor community.
Boats frozen at their dock :)
Hot dog stands
Matt & Linkan
Carriages, ice skates, cross-country skiing, everywhere, enough room for everyone! :)
Little barn (kids) being pulled by Mom & Dad on skates
3.5km the whole length of the lake
Linkan gave me this cute hat which is 'all the rage' in Stockholm. To preface: when something is stylish/trendy here, it catches on like wildfire. So you see these hats on all the ladies right now. Except the gray color isn't as abundant. I love it, tack tack, Linkan!
Us being from Detroit and Vancouver, we are happy to be around Winter again, can you tell?
OK , back to work - studio time. Our A&R introduced us to an awesome musician, Daniel Filipsson, and we are excited for all the great ideas we will come up with together. Him & Max showed us their awesome studio and instrument collection.
Long day, time for Sunday family dinner. Swedish meatballs of course!!!!! MMMMMM!
Matt giving Hektor some piano tips.
We met a rad chihuahua named Harley. Isn't he cute????
Aw, Tyra still recovering from chicken pox :(